3 Ways People Counters Help Determine the Effectiveness of In-Store Promotions

Promotional displays and other in-store promotions are a visually and logistically-effective way to sell products. They grab the customer’s attention, are set up in locations convenient to the customer, and sometimes offer a discount on the product being displayed. People counters can help test the effectiveness of these displays and sales promotions in several ways. Here are three ways they are useful for in-store promotions.

1. Discover the most effective display location in your store.

Determining the best location for a promotional display requires an attention to which areas of the store see the heaviest foot traffic. Set up displays in several locations and use people counting technology to gauge how many people walk by the display. In this way, you will be able to determine which locations receive the most traffic and potentially produce the most sales. Location and visibility are the most important factors for in-store displays, and the data people counters provide can take the guesswork out of figuring out the prime location for a display.

2. Determine the most compelling display layout.

If you’ve picked out your display location, but are torn between two different display designs or layouts, people counters will come in handy once again. For example, you can set up one display design—let’s call it Display A—and measure the people counting data for a set period of days, then switch it up to the second display design—let’s call it Display B—and collect the people counting data for that arrangement. Comparing Display A’s data with Display B’s data will allow you to see which promotional display design is the most effective.

Keep in mind, A/B testing like this must be done with control over other factors. For instance, if you are testing a Display A for three days, you must test Display B on the same three days of the week. This is due to the fact that your sales may be higher or lower on other days of the week. You should also take into consideration weather patterns during the days you are testing, as well as bank or national holidays. Also, beware of testing on weeks leading up to certain holidays.   Foot traffic could vary due to any of these factors.

3. Determine sales conversion rates of promoted products.

By comparing date and time-stamped POS data to date and time-stamped people counting data, you can determine how many customers made promotional purchases. Using this information, you can calculate the sales conversion rates of your promotional items.

If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your promotional displays and ensure that you get the best possible ROI out of each promotion, people counting data could answer your questions. Ultimately, the data collected with people counters will allow you to make better business decisions regarding your promotions and will help you determine the ROI of each display.

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